Sunday, December 29, 2013

True words that make me giggle

When I worked at a summer camp we used to make jokes about things that do not go well together.   Spaghetti and Breakfast; Alcohol and Swimming Pools; Crickets and Cabins.

But this was one we didn't think of but probably should have.  
I'm glad the folks at Bodum coffee did though!

Friday, December 6, 2013

History of holiday treats

I should have been a food historian.

I find myself fascinated by how many variations of holiday treats there are from different countries around the world.   Working in a European style bakery means I see and get to taste a lot of these!

Stollen, Panettone, Light English Fruitcake, Florentines, Traditional American Fruitcake.....

So many ways to bind together dried fruit in a sweet - with or without rum, nuts, marzipan or actual cake.
And they have interesting histories to explore while you eat them!