Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Haloween!

I know the pet photos are a cliche but this was just too good not to share!

The devil costume didn't really fit because it was a gift from a bigger dog.  But he was such an angel for putting up with it and them with me walking him around the neighborhood in it.

He doesn't usually let me put his vest on when it is really cold outside. And I am not particularly a pet clothing kind of person either.  However, he was fine with his little devil costume!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How many have you tried?

Continuing my restaurant wish list, I took a look at the Top 100 Places to Eat article on Southern Living magazine's website.  So far I have been to 10 of the 100 with many of the other being already on my regional wish list.   Oh yes - I have a local list, a regional one, a USA one and an internaional list too!

Take a look at the SL Top 100 and see how many you have been to or even heard of before!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Restaurant Wish List - Fall- Atlanta

So I have my lists of places I want to go.  Some of them are exotic locales all over the world.  Others are as simple as the many great restaurants in Atlanta that I want to try out.

Here is my fall 2013 Atlanta list:
Cardamom Hill
Empire State South
Imperial Fez
Restaurant Eugene
King + Duke
Pinewood Tippling Room

Anyone have more suggestions?  What is on your list?