Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Carolyn and the 101 Classics

You have probably have at least heard about "Julie and Julia" even if you did not see the movie or read the books....   so here is my idea for a similar project.   The 101 classic recipes issue of Saveur magazine just arrived in my mailbox.   I am going to cook every single one of them over the next year.  And I will write about them as I go.    I know this may not seem like the most original project but I have a history with this kind of plan. 

For over 10 years now I have been getting together either weekly or monthly with a group of my girl friends for dinners.   We take turns hosting with a dinner out added to the rotation.   When we had eight members to our group this was a pretty sweet deal....  Lots of good food and even better company with ladies I have known for ages.   We call it Stitch N' Bitch even though we don't sew many stitches - but we make do with lots of eating, drinking, bitching and celebrating!

The main idea behind SNB  for us was to provide a chance to try out new recipes and enjoy our time together over a meal.  As life got progressively more complex for all of us - marriages, careers, children, travel - it became increasingly difficult, but also very important, to all of us to make time for each other and our meals together.  Thus the change about 9 or 10 years in to a monthly, instead of weekly, dinner.

But back to my new project- I have made some of the items on the Saveur list already.   Many of them were tried out for SNB dinners:  Gougeres, clafoutis, chicken korma, chocolate mousse, Boston cream pie.....   I love all of these and welcome making them again.  I am also excited about trying out many of the others on this list!

Stay tuned for updates on my progress through the list....

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