There are far too many blogs and sites posting all sorts of information online about food and about global news - culinary, political, environmental, etc. I think that all of these categories are inexorably and intimately linked. The problem is the overwhelming amount of information available. How does one sort through it all and find the time to follow anything with depth? I am still working on this problem myself. I'll let you know when I come up with a solution. In the meantime, I will continue to update my list of sites which feel contain something worth checking out.
Today I am adding two: Modern Farmer and Global Post.
The first is a brand lifestyle site and print magazine that focuses on agriculture and food issues around the world. I like it because it follows the Slow Food ethos without specifically mentioning the movement itself. It is about the idea of connecting with the source of our food but through the lens of pop culture.
The second is a great site to find world news in English but still from primarily US reporters. I can often find great journalism in English coming from other countries but they will still have their own point of view. All too often I find myself being defensive about American news organizations and even about being a US citizen when I am travelling abroad. With Global Post, I get a home-grown perspective but very high quality reporting about a wide range of topics and from all over the world. I choose to be media literate and interested in things outside of myself and my immediate surroundings. I want to encourage others to do so as well - no matter where they are starting from and the topics that call to them.
Without active journalists spanning the globe and always looking at events from every angle - where would we be?
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